Sunday, October 09, 2005

Humongus chimney!

World's Biggest Condenser
Originally uploaded by setyr.
The chimney (one in the pic) is about 100 feet tall, made of pure iron. Why iron? because it is a good heat conductor. In this chimeny vaporized liquid is melted or condensed back to its liquid form. The huge condenser is filled with ice cold water to do the trick! But below this are massive coals to produce heat. Now, I'm getting scientific, ahh how time flies so fast, I can hardly remember my chemistry days in high school.

Old distillery machine

Old distillery machine
Originally uploaded by setyr.
A galnce at Midleton's old distillery machine. It's interesting to note that Midleton was (and probably still is) a center of whiskey distillery. It had its long history of ups and downs. Business going up, everybody's happy and when it goes down, everyone's affected just as well.

I guess that's how our society generally behaves. We coexist and we are interrelated. If a part of us is ill we all feel the pain. I really pray that these world leaders come to terms with this basic truth about our existence.

The Warehouse

The Warehouse
Originally uploaded by setyr.
The barrels are stored in dark, aromatic warehouses and allowed to mature for 5-7 years. (ooh, quite a long time) for standard brands (so this is just the standard!) and another 3 years for the special ones. This is where the whiskey color changes into rich golden color, the way we know our whiskeys look like!

So this is me trying to have a snapshot of the barrels behind me heehehe...I was just sneaking actually!

Taste of an Irish whiskey

Taste of an Irish whiskey
Originally uploaded by setyr.
I'm not much of a whiskey fan. That I have to confess. This one though is for the road. For my road trip!

Cheers to the very meticulous way of producing Irish whiskey. For an 8.50 euro, I have learned 4 things from my whiskey distellery tour!

1. The difference between Irish and Scottish whiskeys - Irish whiskeys are fermented using indirect heat, as opposed to the Scottish whiskey. The very reason why Scottish whiskey has its smokey flavor.
2. Whiskey is made up of 3 main components - barney, malt and water.
3. Malt is just a germinated barney.
4. Alcohol boild at a much lower temperature (78 deg C) than water(100 deg C). Thus, initially alcohol content of the fermented malt (which is not yet whiskey) is about 80% by volume (160 proof). After the third distillation (oh, another difference noted between Irish and Scottish..Irish has a third)the alcohol content is reduced to 63%.

and oh, did I mention that the shot of 12 year old John Jameson comes as a freebie?!

Our Lady Of The Rosary

Our Lady Of The Rosary
Originally uploaded by setyr.
It's not your typical old cathedral. For one, it doesn't look that old, although this cathedral dates back as far as 1816. Add to that an interesting fact. This cathedral is surrounded by graves. I almost feel like the Lady of rosary cathedral is a sanctuary dedicated solely for those souls who've started their journey back home.
The small town of Midleton is fascinating although I must say that I would probably not be suited to live here hehehe

Holy Cows!

Holy Cows!
Originally uploaded by setyr.
The opposite side of the fence are these curious cows! Look at their inquisitive gazes. I just fell in love with their faces, they're so cute!!! A drive from Midleton through Dungourney all the way through Mount Uncacke is a reward to the eyes!


Originally uploaded by setyr.
We originally wanted to go to Leahy's Open Farm in Mount Unclake. It rurned out to be closed. But our dampen spirit wouldn't yield and we decided to make a quick stop over to say hello to the sheeps who don't seem to care much about strangers! hehehehe

The Holy Family

Inside Our Lady

Top view of our lady of rosary

Our lady of the rosary in Midleton

A view from the main entrance

Day 1: My little Irish adventure

I've decided that the best way to know Ireland is thru it's cathedrals. Yup, this is Europe and a pre-dominantly Catholic country, thus sunday mass services are just within a stone-throw away.

Intimate moments with God. I was taking an 8am stroll when I chanced upon this Catheral. Went in and had some intimate moments with God. There was a 9am mass so I decided to stick around and hear the Lord in a funny British accent hehehehe.

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